Baronial Orders

The Order of the Zephyr of Raven’s Cove is given to members of the populace of Raven’s Cove whose dedication to the Barony measures beyond the stars.

The Order of the Senmurv honors and recognizes those members of the populace of Raven’s Cove who have distinguished themselves by their service to the Barony.

The Order of The Pelorus honors and recognizes those members of the populace of Raven’s Cove who have distinguished themselves by an extraordinary achievement in the Arts and Sciences.

The Order of the Sable Shield honors and recognizes those members of the populace of Raven’s Cove who have distinguished themselves by their effort and have shown excellence on the armored field.

The Order of the Golden Buckler honors and recognizes those members of the populace of Raven’s Cove who have distinguished themselves by their effort and have shown excellence on the rapier field.

The Order of the Gilded Pheon honors and recognizes those members of the populace of Raven’s Cove who have distinguished themselves by their effort and shown excellence with bow and arrow (both target and combat), thrown weapons, and/or siegecraft.
Baronial Awards

The Award of the Black Gull recognizes and honors those members of the populace of Raven’s Cove who have performed acts of service for the Barony.

The Award of the Black Compass Rose honors and recognizes those members of the populace of Raven’s Cove who have distinguished themselves in their effort in arts and sciences.

The Award of the Drakkar’s Prow recognizes and honors those members of the populace of Raven’s Cove who have performed acts of valor on any of the martial fields.

The Baron’s Award of Excellence honors and recognizes those who have distinguished themselves by their excellent contributions to the Barony of Raven’s Cove. This award is a gift solely of the Baron to whomever he deems deserving.

The Baroness’ Award of Courtesy honors and recognizes those who have distinguished themselves with exceptional service to the Baroness of Raven’s Cove. This award is a gift solely of the Baroness to whomever she deems deserving.

The Award of the Golden Heart of Raven’s Cove is given to those who are not part of the populace of the Barony of Raven’s Cove for their exceptional contributions to the Barony.
Baronial Youth Awards

The Award of Saint Clement’s Cross is given for excellence displayed by the youth members of the populace of Raven’s Cove between the ages of 13-17.

The award of the Sea Monkey is given for excellence show by youth members of the populace of Raven’s Cove between the ages of 7-12.

The award of the Black Minnow is given for Excellence show by youth members of the populace of Raven’s Cove under the age of 7.